How To Hire The Best JavaScript Developers for Business and Mobile Apps in 2024
JavaScript Developers - Top Questions From Google
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What does a JavaScript developer do?
A JavaScript developer conducts several tasks, including developing and testing new features, contributing to technical discussions, peer reviewing code and converting UX design wireframes into code.
They liaise with project stakeholders to ensure their output matches business requirements.
Who is the best JavaScript developer?
In JavaScript programming there are several top-tier influencers, these include Dan Abramov, a software engineer from Facebook who created Redux and is on the core team of React.js.
Dan Abramov [Obtained from Twitter]
Also, there is Kent C Dodds, an ex-PayPal software engineer who is a subject matter expert in JavaScript.
Kent C Dodds [obtained from GitHub]
Engineers like this are highly sought after and have great influence on how developers everywhere write code.
Sometimes, this is helpful, as we can learn more about the intended software patterns from veteran JavaScript software engineers. In other cases, some developers use an influencer’s principles as a precedence on how they tackle most problems.
I do respect these developer influencers and their contributions to JavaScript community; though sometimes, influencer developers are working with software that already has massive scale and sometimes their advice should be understood that it was pertinent to the issue they were facing at that time, rather than a one size fits all.
Because few have a codebase, the size of Facebook’s.
Sometimes, when developers take online advice literally, it results in an engineering culture that overvalues idealism over pragmatism.
This means more time is wasted during peer reviews, and more code becomes rejected due to unrealistic expectations set by a blog post read online.
Instead, I believe the focus should remain on core functionality, best practice, code cleanliness, a comprehensive code test coverage, and above all; to meet the objective of delivering business value.
The best JavaScript developers are those who do not over-engineer solutions.
The best JavaScript engineers are those who understand that problems can be complexed but take a pragmatic approach to deliver great solutions.
Are JavaScript developers in demand?
JavaScript is the most widely used programming language by professional developers.
StackOverflow’s survey suggests that this fact has remained the same over the past decade.
StackOverflow Survey Snapshot
As a result, the demand for JavaScript developers is at a record high as the internet and technology continues to evolve.
JavaScript is the only the native programming language of today’s most widely used web browsers; including Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox and many more.
For JavaScript, to remain on the cutting edge of software development; it has a global eco-system that supports its continuous maintenance and development, to ensure its robustness.
The development of JavaScript is led by the Mozilla Foundation; the developers behind Mozilla Firefox.
Several Fortune 500 firms including Microsoft, Facebook and Airbnb develop JavaScript tools and contribute to the maintenance of the JavaScript language.
In addition, JavaScript’s global ecosystem is built on open-source code. Which means most JavaScript tools have their code publicly available.
The most popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries have thousands of developers available, both those who give up their spare time to work on it, as well as teams at corporate firms that work together to find vulnerabilities and make improvements to JavaScript.
What type of developers use JavaScript?
Usually, Web Developers.
A frontend JavaScript developer writes code for websites and web applications, and a back-end JavaScript developer uses Node.js to write their code for their applications.
Typically, when JavaScript is mentioned, most people assume the reference of frontend development. This is because when backend development in a JavaScript stack is mentioned, they usually refer to the runtime engine, Node.js.
Nowadays, JavaScript is almost always used in projects alongside open-source frameworks, libraries and superset languages.
A great example of a superset JavaScript language is TypeScript.
This language is developed by Microsoft, on top of JavaScript’s foundations and helps to ensure features and web applications are more responsive to change and are delivered with less bugs.
TypeScript achieves this by introducing a more declarative approach to software development using typings.
Typically, firms and hiring managers look for developers who specialise in or have experience with specific JavaScript tools, like TypeScript.
So, developers who use React.js, AngularJS, Express.js and Node.js, to name a few are all JavaScript developers, too.
In other applications that have a backend in a language other than JavaScript and need a web frontend, may hire full-stack developers; those who have expertise in JavaScript as well as their chosen backend language.
How much do JavaScript developers make?
Depending on experience, JavaScript developer's salaries on average range from £25,000 - £90,000.
Though, given the breadth of this estimate, several factors impact these figures.
The first, is supply and demand of skilled developers which use the JavaScript technologies you have in mind. Also, the attractiveness of your project and its career prospects, play a role in enticing talent to come aboard.
Let’s say, you wish to find developers who have extensive experience in a trendy but more obscure technology such as Remix.js, you might find yourself paying more for a Remix developer who has proven experience.
On the other hand, even though Remix is not as prevalent in projects right now, JavaScript developers who keep their finger on the pulse in our eco-system, usually have a high opinion of the framework and most developers enjoy working with new technology, and as a result it may swing the pendulum in your direction for negotiation.
Another factor is the location of the role and the developer, too.
Developers in London may ask for higher salaries when compared to other cities. Though, since COVID-19; more employers now offer remote working opportunities, this means that higher paying roles still attract diverse talent from across the UK.
Every web development project needs JavaScript developers. Whether that’s for creating new or debugging existing features, or to bring your vision to life after your discovery or innovation phase in your journey.
Though, hiring new and talented developers may prove difficult, if project requirements have not been taken into consideration earlier in the process.
The best way to procure new JavaScript developers is to find a straight-talking digital creative agency, like us, here at Cypher Digital.
We vet our developers by skill level and technology which helps you evade the trial and error of hiring multiple developers who fall short of expectations.
We consult with you to learn more about your project and help you avoid the pitfalls associated with choosing the wrong technologies and ensure you have an application which is just as ready for business scale as you are.
We pride ourselves in delivering great digital products using the right tools for the job which ensure responsiveness to change, with great security at its heart. ❤️